Saturday, February 7, 2009

I can ride my bike

This is how I do things: it takes me a while to get there, but when I'm there, nothing could stop me.

My mom thought (yeah...that's my mom - pushy) that I am too old for my training wheels, and she began to be worried that I'll never learn how to ride my bike without them.

So...I was't "too old" at 5 years and 10 months old...and that was certainly the last thing on my mind!!! But...just to please her - she bothered a lot buying me a new bike (pretending that the old one was not good for balance) - I tried.

At first I wanted to was not easy, and because I value my brains and everyting that is up there, I was afraid of falling and hurting myself. can't just quit with a mom like mine's...

So...I was back on the saddle!!!! need some brains to learn how to ride your bike without training wheels!!!! And I thing that was my rescue!!!

In a couple of hours I was the master of riding my bike: I could start going by myself, I could stop by myself, I coud take turns!!!! feels so good now!!!!!

And here I am, riding as a pro on a "bumpy" road!!!!

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