Thursday, November 13, 2008

The story of Mayflower

The Story of Mayflower, by David

It is that means it really happened, and the people are real:
A long time ago, in 1620, some people from England (who is in Europe, you know???) became upset of their king, who was unfair, and decided to sail to America...
So, about 100 english, bought a ship, called Mayflower, and left England.
On the ocean, a storm came, and she ship went up and down the waves, but it didn't sink...
So they came to America...
They really like the new place...but soon they got hungry...
And the indians, people that lived in America at that time, because they were so nice, came and help the english to plant corn and pumpkins...
Nobody knows what they did with the pumpkins, but I think they made pumpkin pie!!!!

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